Trade Secrets In Utah
What Are Trade Secrets?
How to Protect Your Trade Secrets
Companies need to focus on protecting their trade secrets if they wish to stay in operation. While you can have discussions with your employees, it is beneficial to draft employee confidentiality agreements and disclosure policies. Confidential and proprietary information can be protected from improper disclosure with the right confidentiality agreements. Green Legal Group has years of experience drafting confidentiality agreements and disclosure policies. Our policies are designed to protect your organization from losing trade secrets. A contract must identify that the information was confidential and the efforts were made to prevent the information from being disclosed.

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What Should a Confidentiality Agreement State?
A reasonable policy needs to require that a company will identify proprietary material with a stamp stating “confidential” on certain documents. The stamp helps to solidify the document as being visibly noted that this information is not to be shared with anyone outside the company. Limit the confidential information to people that need to see it, and protect it with passwords or other system to employees that do not need to gain access to this vital company information.
Our trade secrets attorneys can protect your company’s trade secrets and ensure that your vital company information remains safe. Contact our law firm in Salt Lake City, Utah for more information.
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