Utah Wills & Trusts Attorney

Having A Will & Trust Is Key to Protecting Everyone & Everything You Care About. Green Legal Group Can Make Sure Your Documents Will Preserve Your Legacy.
Wills and trusts are essential planning tools that safeguard your possessions and ensure that they pass to your family according to your wishes.
A will identifies your chosen beneficiaries and heirs. It specifies what happens to your assets upon death, who will be your estate’s executor, and what your burial arrangements are. A will only goes into effect upon your death, and won’t bypass probate (an expensive Utah court process that carries out the contents of your will).
Trusts are formal fiduciary agreements that allow the transfer of property from the grantor or trustor (creator of the trust) to the trustee through the terms of the trust. They provide the guidelines for the oversight and management of assets, payments to one or more selected beneficiaries, and the assets’ eventual disposition. As a fiduciary, the trustee must manage the trust’s assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries and in line with the trust’s conditions.
Trusts aren’t just for the rich; everyone who owns property or has a family should have a trust, regardless of how large or small your estate is. Trusts can:
-Protect assets from creditors and misuse
-Help you stay eligible for government aid (like Medicaid)
-Prevent probate
-Keep your personal and financial matters private
Without these documents, the government – not you, and not your family – will control how your hard-earned money is distributed. Working with will and trust lawyers who will learn about your family dynamics and financial situation, and tailor your will and trust accordingly, is essential. Just as no two people’s lives are the same, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Many people opt for internet-based templates for an easy DIY, trying to avoid attorney fees, but these people’s families often end up paying more in court costs and probate fees later on because general templates may not be state compliant or relevant to their unique lives.
Green Legal Group can help you make the right decisions about your will and trust strategy and include the proper personal considerations.
What Our Clients Say

Creating A Will & Trust Can Seem Overwhelming. Our Firm Simplifies the Process & Guides You Every Step of the Way.
Most people don’t realize that there are many types of wills and trusts available to choose from. Working with an attorney ensures you pick the documents that are best for you and your family. We can help you choose between a:
Last Will And Testament – In this trust, a trustee is appointed to manage the assets on behalf of your beneficiaries.
Living Will – This will allows you to decide which medical care you prefer if and when you are incapacitated (also known as an advance directive).
Joint Will – It is one signed by two or more parties to merge their wills.
Pour-Over Will – This will require any assets not included in the living trust to transfer into the trust upon death.
Living Trust – It is a document used when the property owner is alive and wants to arrange for the future transfer of their estate.
Special Needs Trust – This ensures the beneficiary can qualify for need-based programs, including Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income.
Charitable Trust – It is a trust where the trustee holds property for charity.
Income-Only Trust – This trust allows donors to prevent their possessions from auction to pay for nursing home care.
Unlike other attorneys who use a “set it and forget it” approach, Green Legal Group works closely with you even after your documents have been drafted; we can update your documents according to how your life changes, so they will always be effective. We also provide clear explanations so your family understands how your documents work.